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  • Race Type:5k
  • Location:Hebron, Connecticut
  • Date:October 22, 2022
  • Time:9 : 00 AM


Please join us in our first annual RHAM Color Run on Saturday, October 22 at RHAM High School. In this 2-mile untimed run, you and your friends will be doused with color as you make your way around the RHAM High School campus. Registration will include race entry, t-shirt, sunglasses, bottled water, and color fun starter kit.

Full Description

Please join us in our first annual RHAM Color Run on
Saturday, October 22 at RHAM High School. In this 2-mile
untimed run, you and your friends will be doused with color as
you make your way around the RHAM High School campus.
Registration will include race entry, t-shirt, sunglasses, bottled
water, and color fun starter kit.


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